Fast and Easy Six Tips to Stop a Dog from Barking

Dog’s barking is a natural thing. As we have our speech, they have theirs! The thing is that we have freedom of speech as we speak or talk sensibly, but what about them? They are loyal and lovable, but a protective animal.

They bark when they find something fishy. They bark when they feel some risks around them. They bark when they feel insecure about their master or want some attention from him/her. Their master’s safety is the top most priority for them and to protect him/her, they will do anything. They may also bark when they feel stressed, bored or lonely.

Why should you stop a dog from barking?

Some dog breeds are so aggressive that they bark louder and louder even at midnight, early morning or throughout the day, and that too, to the people who don’t anything wrong and just passing the streets. That is not a good thing. It is irritating as well as embarrassing.

Sometimes, barking may scare small children and other people. It is also annoying to your neighbors and may create a mess with your other relatives. So it needs to be controlled to some extent. There are many ways to prevent barking. Here in this article, we will suggest you some fast and easy ways to stop a dog from barking.


  • Train your puppy

You can teach anything to your lad when he is young. Try to teach barking manners to the puppy. Teach him to sit and behave well when visitors arrive. You can also train your dog to bark only on cue, and then don’t give it.

  • Reward good behavior

Like most of the people, pets also get motivated when their master appreciates them. Most of the time, they need your attention and want to impress you. Be attentive and reward their good behavior with their favorite thing or food. Tap and love them. Like this, you may train them amazingly and convince them not to bark more often.

  • Keep your pet engaged

Many times, boredom and loneliness can make them bark constantly. Stop dog barking by controlling their boredom. Keep them engaged or play with them. Go for some walks or give them a toy which can take a lot of efforts to play with it. This activity can also sharpen your dog’s mind.

  • Teach your dog different commands

You should train your puppies or dogs with various commands like ‘Quite’, ‘Sit’, etc. Teach them to recognize signs, to understand your behavior and body language! They should realize your discomfort just by seeing in your eyes. This technique may take little time compared to other methods, but it is lifelong! Don’t get frustrated or annoyed, but be consistent.

  • Use anti-barking devices

The anti-barking devices are there in the market for your help. They designed to control your dogs from barking. Such devices throw some ultrasonic vibrations and sounds which only a dog or some other pets) can hear. Dogs feel like if they bark, something negative may happen and eventually, they stop barking. The control of these devices are completely in your hand, and they are safe. They do not affect negatively, so use it without feeling guilty.

  • Instant home-made solution

As per our research, some dog owners use and suggests vinegar and water solution prevent barking. As per them, take ½ part of vinegar and ½ part of water and mix it well. Then fill it in a spray bottle and when the dog starts barking, spray the solution in the direction of your canine. (Do not spray on his face directly.) The smell will make your dog to breath more deeply, and it will take just 2 or 3 days to teach your dog not to bark.

So, these were the six tips to stop a dog from barking. But you should understand one thing, that the results may take time. You cannot control your dog and expect positive outcomes overnight. Some dog breeds like pomskies need special attention and patience at the time of training. You have to be patient and friendly to your champ. Never yell at him and keep calm. You will surely find ideal solutions soon. After all, dogs are man’s best friends.


Author: pomskypuppies

Welcome to Pomskies. We have delivered Sky and Busters beautiful Pomsky puppies.  Sky had a litter of  (8) F1 50/50 Pomsky puppies .

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